
Wet Weather Activities for Kids
Wed, 20th Apr 2016Rain Doesnt Have To Drive You Insane:
When it starts to rain and you are stuck at home with the kids, think of it as a fun opportunity to get cooking, crafty or creative with different activities inside the house. There are an amazing amount of interesting, fun activities that you can do with the kids which don't require alot of materials. By utilizing some common household items and a bit of imagination, you can bring the outdoors inside and get rid of the rainy day blues.
In The Kitchen:
*Baking some yummy, easy biscuits or cupcakes and having your child decorate them is always a hit. Creating in the kitchen can help with the childs knowledge of colours, numbers, sizes and weights. Explain all the steps as you cook and involve your child along the way. Maybe afterwards have a Teddy Tea Party and invite all the bears in your home to come along. Dress up and make a setting for all the teddys, sing songs and have a laugh.
*Create some pasta jewellry. Make a bracelet or necklace with macaroni and penne pasta. Use some thick string or elastic and stick one end onto a table with sticky tape. Thread on the pasta shells, add glitter or paint to make it colourful. When you are finished, unstick the taped end and tie both ends of string together.
*Make a shaker. Use empty lidded containers and fill them with different coloured pasta and rice. Once they are half full, screw on the lid and use stickers to decorate the shaker.
*Playdough is an all time favourite and very simple to make. Check out this easy play dough recipe below. A good idea is to make up a playdough tool box ready to pull out on rainy days. Fill it with items like these tools
Playdough Ingredients. • 2 cups of flour • 4 tbsps cream of tartar • 1 cup salt • 2 tbsps of cooking oil • Food colouring (see pg 46 ) • 2 cups of water Method. 1. Mix all the ingredients together in a large saucepan and stir over a medium heat for 3-5 minutes, until the mixture congeals. 2. You can split the play dough up into smaller quantities after it is cooked and add different colours for even more fun. Here is the link to our large range of food dyes.....
Around The House:
*Create a scavenger hunt. Hide little treats or toys around the house and give little clues like "warmer, warmer, hotter" as they get closer to the item.
*Have a funny fashion parade. Pick out a selection of your clothes and jewellry, hats and so on. Have the children drees up as they wish and strut down the hallway to fun music. Take some cute photos to show them.
*Jigsaws can be a fun, engaging activity for children of all ages.
*Create a cubby/fortress in the lounge area with sheets and pegs to hold in place. Put inside cushions, pillows, teddys and a doona. Have a picnic inside. Grab a torch if the room can be darkened and tell stories to your child. Another alternative is to create a mock battle with "goodies" and baddies".
*Have a movie day. Get really cosy, make some popcorn and some drinks and cuddle up to a family movie. A real treat to make is some Lolly Gobble Bliss Bombs!!
*Play some age-appropriate boardgames and card games or charades.
*Get crafty! It's a great to have a Craft Box made up especially for rainy days.
Whatever the weather, dont let it limit your imagination or creativity. There are an amazing amount of ideas for creating a fun time indoors on a rainy day.
For some indoor play and craft ideas click the following: